Our Vegan Diet Almost Killed Us – No, Really

Okay, vegans. I know what you’re thinking. There have been many articles with similar titles circulating around the internet for years, and after you read the article you realize the person, although technically vegan, also had a serious eating disorder like anorexia or even the lesser-known "orthorexia," or was on a restricted calorie cleanse consisting of lettuce water, or they were homicidal parents feeding their baby one carrot a day - or something like that. Somehow, people like this even manage to wind up on the Today show with book deals, as we saw earlier this week. 

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The Incredible Unethical Egg: 3 Reasons Eggs Aren’t All They’re Cracked Up to Be

I have one question. You’re a nice person. So why the shell are you still eating eggs?

You may be shocked at the things that need to happen for people to eat chickens’ eggs, regardless of how kindly the still-fertile hens are farmed or how pastoral the setting. The sunny side is definitely up, while the dark side is hidden from view. Heck, even vegetarians eat them! How bad can they be?

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How Tinder Helped Me Go Vegan

Two years ago I roasted a whole pig at my house; little did I know that 9 months later I would be eating my last animal carcass. So what changed in those 9 months? Did I learn something new about where my food came from? Nope, I (like pretty much everyone else) always knew where it came from and I (like pretty much everyone else) always knew it wasn’t always a good place. Did I become a new age hippie and suddenly want to become one with the world? Nope, I was still a craft beer brewing and drinking hipster who played video games with his friends until 3am and listened to weird music. Did I do it for health? Nope, I already ate quite well; my cholesterol was low, my blood pressure was solid, and I worked out pretty regularly. Did I meet someone who asked me a simple question that changed the way I lived my life for the better? Yes, yes I did.

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