
I like smoked foods, when I went vegan that love of smoked foods didn’t go away, but the foods I smoked did. So it should come as little surprise that I like smoked beers as well. I know many a beer geek who turns their taste buds away at the notion of smoked beers, but there’s something wonderful about rauchbiers. They’ve got a little bit of malt sweetness, a solid backbone of smoke, and a touch of bitterness to bring it all together. All the traditional rauchbiers I’ve had are super drinkable and surprisingly refreshing.

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Tart Cherry Porter

This beer is near and dear to my heart. It's one of the few beers that I make regularly (this'll be the 4th batch of it in 2+ years of brewing) and it's a beer that a lot of people seem to love. A few people have told me it's the best beer they've ever had, and while I understand tastes are subjective, there's no way that can be true. Don't get me wrong, it's a really, really, really good beer, but I'll never be smug enough to take that kind of praise without questioning their sanity.

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Barrel Aged English Dark Mild

Milds, as you could guess by their name, are mild beers by nature. They don't have huge flavor profiles and don't get you drunk just by smelling them. They're low in ABV and while they can pack a good punch flavor-wise, they're beers meant to be drunk in large amounts, so there's nothing too aggressive about them. There are lighter and darker milds, and can run the flavor gamut from sweet and caramelly to dry and roasty with chocolate, dark fruit, coffee, or licorice notes sprinkled in.

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Barrel Aged Russian Imperial Stout

I've done wood aged beers in the past, both clean and sour, but those were always done with toasted oak cubes that were either boiled or soaked in spirits before being added to the beer for aging. So this will be my first beer using an actual barrel and I couldn't be more excited. I have at least two clean beers I want to put though the barrel to strip away most of the big, bold flavors that the wood and whiskey will impart before aging sours in it, the first one will be detailed below, a big, luscious, thick Russian Imperial Stout, and the second will be a slightly left of center choice in an English Dark Mild.

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Trappist (style) Single Ale

Trappist Ales are Belgian in nature, which means they're full of yeast driven phenols and esters that cover a wide range of gravities and colors. They also have to be brewed in a specially designated Trappist monastery by monks to truly be "Trappist." Now I don't live in a monastery and I'm definitely not a monk, but that doesn't mean I can't brew the styles of beer that are brewed in world renowned monasteries and drink the beers like monks drink.

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